正 在 展 览 C U R R E N T E X H I B I T I O N
⼀籽千寻 & 刚柔并济
“The Seed Contains the Tree” unites Chicago-based artists Madeline Gallucci and Scott Wolniak through their shared dedication to experimental, layered painting. Gallucci’s work, rooted in language and place, explores mirrors and urban environments with staining techniques and mark-making. Wolniak creates “energy fields” through abstract drawing, textures, and rhythmic marks. Their first joint exhibition in Asia cultivates a vibrant garden of cross-pollination and painterly dialogue.“⼀籽千寻” 是⼀场双⼈展览,呈现芝加哥艺术家玛德琳·加卢奇与斯科特·沃尔尼亚克对实验性、层次丰富的绘画的共同探索。加卢奇的作品通过染⾊技法与层次标记,以镜⼦为媒介探索⾃我反思与城市环境;沃尔尼亚克则通过抽象绘画、纹理叠加与⾊彩渲染,构建出充满“能量场”的空间。这是两位艺术家⾸次在亚洲共同展出,通过作品间的对话,培育出⼀⽚充满交叉授粉与绘画活⼒的繁茂花园。The exhibition “TENDERSTRONG” centers on the warmth, tenderness, and strength of female artists, showcasing Meredith S. Kopelman and Jiuduo’s profound explorations of life, emotion, and identity. Meredith reflects everyday experiences through vibrant colors and luminosity, revealing life’s beauty in its imperfections, while Jiuduo uses the cat as a mirror to explore the complexities of human nature and emotion, reflecting women’s joys and sorrows. Through their perspectives, the exhibition reveals the coexistence of tenderness and strength, inviting viewers to find their own reflections and reminding us of the joy and beauty in being alive amidst chaos and pain. 展览“刚柔并济”以⼥性艺术家的温暖、温柔与⼒量为核⼼,呈现了画家科佩尔曼与雕塑家九多对⽣活、情感与⾝份的深刻探索。佩尔曼通过鲜明的⾊彩与形态的光感,折射出⽇常⽣活中的情感现实,展现⽣活的美丽与不完美;⽽九多则以猫为媒介,探讨⼈性与情感的复杂交织,猫如镜,映照出⼥性的清欢与哀愁。展览通过两位不同媒介的艺术家的视⾓,展现了温柔与⼒量的并存,邀请观众在作品中寻找⾃我共鸣,提醒我们在⽣活的混乱与痛苦中,依然能找到活着的喜悦与美丽。