过 去 P A S T
Day 54: The Sun Never Sets
The exhibition offers a reflection on deeply rooted feelings of isolation and how one may find meaning or unease in their solitary pursuits. The paired artists both work with or against the subjects of solitude, isolation, and loneliness but work towards opposing ends. Davis, seemingly working to revel in solitude and make use of the isolation he see’s as an inherent part of his medium. McGarvey, instead, working to counter his feelings of loneliness by drawing deep connections between his person and spirit to his larger environment. The most forward theme of the show is informed the deep love of science the two artists share. Seeing it as either an exciting product of boredom and curiosity or a useful insight into the connections an individual has to the world at large. For them, working is a daily pursuit to escape either into or out of solitude leaving behind records of their efforts. In their practices, the sun never sets.